Coordinator: Concepción Garcés. Full Professor of Business.
In the European Research Strategy 2020, sustainability was linked to competitiveness, expressing support of sustainable management, but maintaining the necessary competitiveness. This concept is once again present in Horizon Europe 2021-2027.
When certain levels of well-being are reached in developed societies, the need to find a balance between material wealth and emotional wealth emerges. In this context, the creation of economic, technological, and social value requires responsible development, with the full participation of all those involved. At the same time, the proposal should be compatible with environmental sustainability, with the ethical values of participants, and with the individual rights of opinion, participation, knowledge, transparency, and privacy. From this conceptual framework, the Institute will pay heed to some of the most important challenges for developed societies.
Issues to be approached:
- Sustainable resource management
- Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
- Alternative forms of political participation and economic management
Papers in Q1- JCR SSCI since 2021
1 |
Title: Does it pay more to be green in family firms than in non-family firms? |
2 | Title: Cluster analysis to validate the sustainability label of stock indices: An analysis of the inclusion and exclusion processes in terms of size and ESG ratings Authors: Vilas, P., Andreu, L. y Sarto, J.L. Journal: Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 330, 129862 |
1 |
Title: Institutional context as a moderator of the relationship between board structure and acquirer returns |
2 |
Title: A new approach to dating the reference cycle |
3 |
Title: Co-Movements between Eu Ets and the Energy Markets: A Var-Dcc-Garch Approach |
4 |
Title: Are circular economy policies actually reaching organizations? Evidence from the largest Spanish companies |
5 |
Title: Privately owned forests and woodlands in Spain: Changing resilience strategies towards a forest-based bioeconomy |
6 |
Title: Sustainability and creativity through mail art: A case study with young artists in universities |
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Title: Educating for the future: How higher education in environmental management affects pro-environmental behaviour |
Books and chapters since 2021
1 | Title: El delito de humillación a las víctimas del terrorismo: una propuesta de lege ferenda, en Retos del Estado de Derecho en materia de inmigración y terrorismo, Fernández Cabrera (Dir.), Iustel, pp. 861-884 Authors: Menéndez Conca, Lucas Gabriel ISBN/DOI: 9788498904239. 2022 |
2 | Title: El delito de enaltecimiento del terrorismo y su conflicto con la libertad de expresión», en Odio y Discriminación en tiempos convulsos, Daunis Rodríguez (Dir.), Comares, pp. 255-264 Authors: Menéndez Conca, Lucas Gabriel ISBN/DOI: 978-84-1369-342-2. 2022 |
1 | Title: Creación y difusión de innovación social a través del emprendimiento social en la universidad. ECONOMÍA, EMPRESA Y JUSTICIA: NUEVOS RETOS PARA EL FUTURO. p.p. 648-666. Authors: Bretos Fernández, Ignacio; Díaz Foncea, Millán; Lozenkco, Alla. ISBN/DOI: 978-84-1377-326-1. 2021. |
2 | Title: International Social Economy Organizations. THE NEW SOCIAL AND IMPACT ECONOMY: AN INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE. p.p. 245–268. Authors: Bretos, Ignacio; Errasti, Anjel; Soetens, Aurélie ISBN/DOI: 978-3-030-68294-1. 2021. |
3 | Title: Social Economy in Spain: Economic Crisis and Society. THE NEW SOCIAL AND IMPACT ECONOMY. p.p. 161-18. Authors: Díaz Foncea, Millán; Marcuello, Carmen ISBN/DOI: 978-3-030-68294-1. 2021. |
4 | Title: Breve apunte sobre la evolución histórica de la responsabilidad penal corporativa. CUESTIONES PENALES A DEBATE. p.p. 43-62. Authors: Menéndez Conca, Lucas Gabriel ISBN/DOI: 978-84-124193-4-4. 2021. |
5 | Title: Breves notas sobre la responsabilidad penal corporativa en el Reino Unido. ECONOMÍA, EMPRESA Y JUSTICIA. NUEVOS RETOS PARA EL FUTURO. p.p. 225-243. Authors: Menéndez Conca, Lucas Gabriel ISBN/DOI: 978-84-1377-326-1. 2021 |
6 | Title: El castigo de los actos de humillación de las víctimas del terrorismo y de sus familiares en el art. 578 CP. A propósito de la STC 35/2020, de 25 de febrero, en Identidades, segregación, vulnerabilidad. ¿Hacia la construcción de sociedades inclusivas? Un reto pluridisciplinar, Olivero Guidobono (Coord.) Dykinson, pp. 1506-1520 Authors: Menéndez Conca, Lucas Gabriel ISBN/DOI: 978-84-1377-566-1 |
7 | Title: Sustainability Competences and Pedagogical Approaches at the Universidad de Zaragoza (Faculty of Economics and Business). DEVELOPING SUSTAINABILITY COMPETENCES THROUGH PEDAGOGICAL APPROACHES: EXPERIENCES FROM INTERNATIONAL CASE STUDIES. p.p. 253-266 Authors: Moneva , José M. ISBN/DOI: 978-3-030-64964-7 |