El programa del Instituto de Investigación en Empleo, Sociedad Digital y Sostenibilidad "IEDIS atrae talento" organiza el Seminario "Customer Journey Segmentation"

Hoy, lunes 8 de mayo a la 13h., ha tenido lugar el seminario de investigación "Customer Journey Segmentation" impartido por la profesora Larissa Becker (Assistant Professor en la Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki) y presentado por Carlos Flavián Blanco, coordinador de la línea de investigación de IEDIS: Innovación y Sociedad Digital. Las personas participantes han podido asistir a este acto de forma online y de forma presencial en la Facultad de Economía y Empresa de la Universidad de Zaragoza. Larissa realiza una estancia de investigación gracias al programa "IEDIS atrae talento" y ha presentado un trabajo en curso denominado de la misma forma que el seminario y en el que está trabajando junto con Bernd Reitsamer, Assistant Professor en la Universidad de Innsbruck. Se trata de un tema interesante y de gran actualidad en la literatura sobre customer experience, en la que esta investigadora es una experta. A continuación os presentamos el abstract de su trabajo.
Customer experience management has become a managerial priority. While the customer experience literature proposes several activities to manage the customer experience, there is one relevant topic that has been neglected in the literature: customer journey segmentation. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to conceptualize customer journey segmentation. Based on psychological perspectives on event segmentation and experienced utility literature, our conceptualization shows that customers perceive event boundaries when encountering distinctive changes throughout the customer journey. Moreover, customer journey segmentation influences the remembered experience—a determinant of customers' attitudes, evaluations, and behavioral intentions. Finally, our conceptualization derives three aspects that should be considered to manage customer journey segmentation: (1) the understanding of event boundaries and the sequence of lived experiences throughout the customer journey, (2) the creation of event boundaries, and (3) the orchestration of stimuli within firm-controlled touchpoints to trigger an intended sequence of experiences within events.